Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Who is 7Ladybugs?

Who is 7Ladybugs?

My name is Barbie and my boyfriends name is Ken. I have many things that you do not have because I am materialistic like that. I have nice perky boobs considering I am fifty-two years old. My buns are so tight as well. I really don’t like my hair being cut or combed all the time but whatever!

I know you are jealous of my body because it is so firm! I will tell you my secret, my creators, aka Mommy and Mattel, didn’t give me a mouth that opens so I cannot eat anything. That’s how I have this fantastic body.

I have had 80 careers in my 52 years of life, everything from a rock star to a paleontologist to a presidential candidate.

My first career was a fashion model where I got to keep the clothes. I now have more than a billion pair of shoes and over one hundred new additions to my wardrobe annually. I know you are jealous, but not everyone can be beautiful like me or as materialistic.

My first pet was a horse named Dancer but since he split at the seam I have had over 43 pets including 21 dogs, 12 horses, 3 ponies, 6 cats, a parrot, a chimpanzee, a panda, a lion cub, a giraffe and a zebra, but I want more! I want a Unicorn, dragon, a fairy, a t-rex and anything else I want!

I underwent my first cosmetic surgery in 2000 and I now have a belly button! I am hoping to go in to have some other things added but I cannot find a doctor with a shaky hand to just give me a slit. Or maybe I shouldn’t because I have heard PMS is brutal and I cannot be wasting time on that kind of thing.

I am working with my designers right now so that they can make my clothes without Velcro at the back. I know my bum is nice but when I sit down the Velcro comes open and it sounds like I ripped my pants.

Ken is a sweet guy and a nice car but GI Joe is the one I am really hot for. Ken just doesn’t do it for me when he takes off his pants. He just looks … well… like he tucks! I think he should get some socks or something, but whatever!

Well, I have to go because I have to get some weaves added to my hair after someone cut it off and thought it would grow again. Tootles for now!

Ok Ok so maybe I should put the real one now eh!

Who is 7Ladybugs?

I am the person that used to get picked last for teams in school, yet lead the school choir to winning performances. I was not the popular girl in school and had a hand full of close friends. I was picked on by teachers and told I was ‘slow in all subjects’ and should go to a ‘special’ school. I am the person that went back to that school to help teach the Learning Assistance Class as a Teachers Aide when I was 17 years old.

I am the person that dropped out of school because I was told too many times I was dumb and wouldn’t become anything. I am the same person that didn’t believe the people telling me this and got a job so that I could get an education on my own.

I am the same person that at 18 years old had a drinking problem and managed to kick that habit when I was 21 and pregnant, I have been sober since! I am the person that married too young and ended up in a very abusive relationship with three wonderful kids. I am the same person that was told no one would ever want me because I am fat and ugly and I cannot make it out in the real world by my self. I am the same person that on February 14th, 1999 got the crap beat out of her by her now ex husband when I stood up to him and told him to quit hitting me and the kids. I am that same weak person that kicked his sorry butt to the curb on that day!

I am the same person that raised her three kids to be respectful of others and remind them that family means the world and that friends can back stab you in a heart beat. I am the same person that while raising those three wonderful kids managed a writing career and had my first book published. I am the same person that people said I would never amount to anything.

I am the same person that has people from school begging to be friends with me now because I am famous. I am the same person that wont give third chances to anyone and only grants second chances to those that can prove they deserve it.

I am the same person that is a great friend and shoulder to lean on. I am not a follower I am a Leader and I am strong! I can do anything I want! I will never let anyone put me down, talk down to me, rob me blind, or abuse me! I will never let harm come to anyone that I care about!

Basically, I am ME, a strong, kind hearted, trusting, funny Lady with a story to tell.

Would you like to listen?


  1. What a beautiful post. Sounds like you've done well in life despite the odds. I want to be like you when I grow up x

  2. Wow, bugzy. The first part made me laugh out loud. I used to make my Gi Joes decapitate my sister's Barbies. The second part just made me love you even more. I knew you were a force to be reckoned with! And I already admired you, noe I just have even more reasons. Love you!
    Ps I want to guy buy myself a copy of your book!

  3. Wow thats touching... im sorry you went through all of that but at the same time im not because it made you the beautiful kind hearted woman you are today.Im glad I met someone as strong as you and you are a leader and a damn good friend from what it seems. Your friends and family should feel privileged to have someone as great and as close to perfect as you are. You are beautiful and an awesome person don't let anybody every tell you other wise. They are just jealous. This is a great very touching and deep blog, I feel like i just got even closer to you knowing what I know now.

  4. The first part had me in stiches, the second part had me welling up because a lot of it sounds so very familiar.
    Glad I have met you. :)

  5. Wow thanks for opening up! You've been through so much and shown the world you can do anything. You are one of the best kinds of people. Barbie doesn't even compare. (Though that first part was hilarious)

  6. wait? Barbie was a presidential candidate?
    Well nice to meet you anyway ladybugs!

  7. Wow, what a story. The first part made me laugh however I was hit by the next part. And oh, just like you I also underwent my first Plastic surgery Beverly Hills the same year as you, 2001.
