Friday, March 4, 2011

Me and my Buddy

Today when I went for my walk, I was trying to think of what to write about my walk for today’s post. I am not sure if it was a hint or a gentle reminder or what but Gizmo, my dog, was dancing around me feet as I was walking.

After untangling my legs from his leash and figured out what he wanted (He saw a squirrel he wanted to play with LOL) it dawned on me that I haven’t shared about my best walking buddy.

Today’s post is going to be about my walking buddy and foot warmer, Gizmo. I hope you don’t mind me straying from talking about walking today but he is a great part of my life and also my best support system. He has to go out for walks daily and he is very insistent when he wants to go for a walk. No resting for me if he wants to go for a walk during the day!

So, without further adieu, let me introduce my buddy Gizmo!

Gizmo is my eight-year-old rescued Cockerpoo. He was rescued by a firefighter in the middle of the Kelowna forest fires in 1993 when he was six months old. He was badly burnt when he came to me and not in the most trusting of moods either.

After giving him a bath and having to have him shaved right down to the skin so I could put the cream on him, he became very dependant on me and would not let me out of his sight. He even had a pillow in one of my desk drawers so that he could sit next to me while I was working.

Since then he has learnt to trust not only me, but other members of the family as well. He has also become a very good asset to the recovery of other animals that have come through my door. He will lie beside the crate or kennel that the animal is in, and as soon as the animal is in pain or moans Gizmo will come and wake me up.

He is an amazing dog in my opinion and even though he has been through a big fire, his favorite thing to do is sit on my lap when we have a campfire camping. His only problem is that every chair is HIS! We had to get him his own camping chair so that he wouldn’t be stealing other peoples.

My only warning is that do not look into his big brown eyes, he will melt your heart and you will find yourself giving him your steak and lobster LOL

Gizmo is the second dog that I have adopted after taking care of them. The first dog was a Samoyed named Tyra. She was an older dog but so sweet. She came to us after being rescued from a back yard of someone that had gone hunting for a couple of months and left her with no food.

She soon gained the weight back and was being adorable as ever. We had to have her put down due to her injuries she had from the previous owner.

If I could do it again, I would in a heartbeat and would not hesitate.


You are missed but not forgotten!

©2011 7Ladybugs
March 4th, 2011


  1. Oh my, what a story. And he is so CUTE...

    And I know what it is like to lose a dog you loved with all your heart. I lost my sweetheart two years ago coming July. I still miss him every day.

    I sure wouldn't mind reading more about Gizmo ;)

  2. What a sweetie! I have a toy trauma in his life (we've had him since he was 7 weeks old) but like Gizmo he doesn't let me out of his sight when I am home. He's 9. I will be lost when the day comes that I lose him.

  3. *ahem* there be a treasure for ya matey.. argh... ahoy... And other random pirate sounds... Anyway, go fishing at my blog. Or skiing. Because you want to check Avalanche. Loveya

  4. Aw. What a cutie. I am jealous! All of my running partners are not nearly as cute or cuddly.

    Thanks so much for the awards:) I will repost asap, but it may be a while cause I've got a super busy week ahead...
