Thursday, March 3, 2011

Walk, Contest, and Other News

I have some cute and funny news for you today, but, before I tell you the funny and cute news, I am going to tell you about my walking and the contest I have on here.

Today I did go for a walk but it wasn’t anything like I had wanted to do. I was planning on doing my long walk, which would take me down past the river and then back across the highway to home. Of course, nothing happens the way you plan it does it! So, I ended up just going for a walk around the block and running up and down my stairs a few times.

I should explain that I have gastrointestinal problems that decided to act up act up last night at about three am. Which in turn makes me feel like blah for a few days because I am literally drained of energy. Because of this problem I also cannot eat a lot of foods, which limits me to when and where I can eat. My hubby says I am a cheap date because I can only eat chicken and rice!

Anyway, due to that acting up last night I could not seem to drag my butt on a long walk today so I struggled to do the small block which I did manage, but I am so drained of energy right now I think I will head to bed after posting this.

Ok, so I have told you that I went out walking, now I am going to tell you about the contest that I am holding on here.

CSN contacted me and asked if I would like to hold a give-a-way on my blog page for their company. I was skeptical at first but after digging around and many, MANY emails later with the company, I decided to hold the free give-a-way. I figure it cannot hurt my blog by having a key word, which is Recessed Lighting couldn’t hurt my page and as it happened it fit in perfectly with my blog!

So, the only rules are that you have to follow my blog and leave a comment to be entered to win a $15.00 Gift Certificate to any of the 200+ CSN Stores.

They seem to sell just about everything in one of their 200+ stores, so there is something for everyone. They even sell pedometers!!

They only ship to Canada and the USA so I have to limit this contest to these two countries for now. So, comment on my blog, follow me if you aren’t already and pass this info onto your friends if you would like.

So, now I have covered the walking part and the contest part, I will now tell you something funny.

My dad is a bingo caller for one of the senior homes in our area. Last week he was there and getting set up before the seniors came into the hall so that everything would be ready to go as soon as everyone was settled.

He was just getting ready to call the first ball, when he saw out the corner of his eye, a frail old lady in a wheel chair, raise her two bingo boards in the air and hit the old lady next to her on her head.

My dad is not exactly the fastest old person on the planet, he really should use a walker but he won’t, and he had to get to the ladies before another board met with someone’s head again.

The tables are those long banquet tables that are eight foot long and about three or four foot wide. They had six tables in total and they were arranged in a half circle so that the seniors could all hear the numbers being called.

My dad had to go along the outside of this half circle because he couldn’t reach over the table to stop this lady from batting at her friend with the bingo boards.

Eventually my dad gets to the ladies and tries to pull them apart just as one of the nurses comes in. The nurse helps my dad separate them, but in the meantime the lady that started it has now increased her stack of boards to four boards and was swinging at her friend with them and instead of hitting her friend she hit the nurse up the side of her face. They didn’t get to play bingo that day! They were both escorted back to their rooms and were not allowed to play bingo that day and they were not allowed to sit at the same table during dinner either.

You want to know why the lady was mad at her friend? Because she was not sitting on the proper side! Talk about Seniors Gone Wild!

The age of these ladies are eighty-nine and ninety-two years old!

Lesson for the day: Don’t sit on the wrong side of your favorite senior!

Now onto the cute news I have to share with you!

Not many of you know this but I am a foster mom for sick and injured animals. I have had my fair share of animals come through my door to be nursed back to health so I am no stranger to getting animals to relax.

My neighbor two doors down from me have several rabbits and one of them just had a litter. I usually go over and check out the animals for him so he knows which pens they need to go in so they are not multiplying.

My kids take our dog, Gizmo, and their dog, Benny, out for walks at night. Well, last night, my kids brought a little visitor home for me to see. It was ‘Drop’, the little gray bunny. They called it Drop because their young son dropped the baby bunny when it was only a few days old.

Now what makes it so amazing is that animals, especially rabbits do not like to be on their back. When I first held him he was fidgety and wiggly but within a few minutes he was so calm I had him on his back and he was falling asleep. He yawned and was quite content on his back in my hand while I stroked his little cheek. He burped and scared himself but then I had him calmed down and back on his back. Horse Whisperer I may not be, but Bunny Whisperer I am!

Relaxed Drop!

Relaxed even more!

Totally Relaxed!

©2011 7Ladybugs
March 3rd, 2011


  1. Oh My God!!!!! I want that bunny! I want it now! I can't have a bunny, but that was so flippin adorable! Also, if you had ever met my grandma, you would know the rule is: Don't mess with the old folks. They survived everything, and they can take you out! :) Am sorry you are having digestive troubles and hope you are feeling better soon. Really soon. Cuz we need you around here, woman!

  2. awww thank you Border but I have had these digestive problems for nearly 20 years and they haven't gotten better LOL
    They say only the good die young, so I am gonna be around forever LMAO
    No worries about me leaving lol
    I am getting another visitor soon so I will hopefully take some more pics of another bunny for you LOL

  3. oh the cutest of cute!


  4. I would of loved to have seen the old ladies bonking each other upside the

    Sweet cute bunny!! I used to foster for an animal rescue too...AND my hubby, daughter and I geocache as well!!

    Enjoy your day.

  5. You seem to be a happy person, I miss some of those in my life
    Thanks for the entretainement :)

  6. When I saw the bunny I was like the seagulls in Finding Nemo: Mine? ;) Just a quick note to tell you I have let you a present on my blog.
