Thursday, March 17, 2011

Some People !!

Today was not too boring actually. I got my car fixed and we went up and walked around the cemetery again. This time we walked around the whole cemetery, which is about three miles, twice! It was such a nice day that we couldn’t resist and just kept walking!

I have to tell you about something that happened while at the cemetery. I thought it was friggin hilarious but some of you might not find the humor in it.

There was an African-American gentleman walking towards us while on our walk. He said,

“Hey white lady! What time you got?”

To which I replied, “Hey Black man it is 12:15pm”

Then it all went down hill (or in my case hilariously amusing)

“You can’t call me Black man that is racist!”

“Well you shouldn’t have called me white woman and I wouldn’t have said that to you!”

“But that is RACIST!”

“You started it not me!”

“But you called me black man”

“You called me white lady!”

“But I was trying to get your attention!”

“We are the only people in the area! Its not like you were talking to the corpses!”

“But you insulted me!”

“Why? Are you not black or are you not a man?”

“ I am both!”

“So, where is the problem?”

“You called me a black man and that is racist!”

“Well now I am calling you a moron because YOU called me a white lady and you don’t think that is racist?”

“I told you I was trying to get your attention. It wasn’t racist!”

“Oh that’s right! My apologies to you! I can see why you called me white lady now because you didn’t want the purple, green or orange ladies to reply. Isn’t that discrimination?”

“NO! I would never discriminate against anyone! I was raised better than that!”

“Really now? I think you need to look up both words in the dictionary. They both fall under the same letter and that is M for MORON!”

I had to walk away because I was just about crying I was trying so hard to hold back my laughter!

Most things I will just brush off but this one was just way to easy to leave it alone LOL I had to amuse my readers and I hadn’t any plans for anything wildly exciting!

I figure if you are going to be rude to me, I am going to dish it right back at you! I have always told my kids, “be nice and get nice in return! Be mean and you will get mean in return! You decide!” So far they have chosen to be nice LOL

I had to share that little convo I had today with the guy! It really was priceless!

I am heading out to grab two geocaches in a few minutes so I will get some extra walking in for the day. I am not sure if I should put a happy face or a damn I am sore face!

Back again from grabbing the two geocaches. Yes we found them both and they were both dry! One I needed to finish off a HUGE Sudoku puzzle so I can find the final cache location for that cache. I will be glad when that one is done and behind me now!

Keep on walking and exercising!

©2011 7Ladybugs

March 17, 2011


  1. hahahaha so true though. I got called a "cracker" throughout college but I couldn't call them anything or I'd be a racist.

  2. That is absolutely ridiculous. I got in a similar argument, and this is a great point. There is no reason that it should be any different to call someone "white lady" than "black man". What's so racist about either statements anyway? Race is blown out of proportion waaay too much these days. If folks wouldn't make such a big deal out of color, and harp on words, then the world would be such a simpler place!

    I enjoy reading your blog so much! :) You rock!

  3. LOL that shit is funny I have things like this happen to me all the time. O and I love sodoku puzzles what level are you on?

  4. Hey red bug with black dots..... teeheehee from a cake coloured cupcake with pink icing and rainbow sprinkles

  5. lol @ border!!!!

    sometimes, people just don't get it
