Sunday, March 6, 2011

40 Miles in 19 Days !

Today I managed to get everything done that I didn’t get done yesterday. My entire computer backing up is done, my Challenge book is up to date now and I realized that I have walked 65.82 kilometers or 40.9 miles in the 19 days that I have had my pedometer on!

I was totally blown away by how much I had walked in the 19 days! I totally believe that if you record your steps daily you will see a big improvement in your health and your energy level.

I have been practicing what I preach and record my steps and how my walk was that day. Not only do I blog about it but I also have a written copy in my book of challenges that I keep above my computer desk.

With the visual record I can see what days I was sick and what days I was able to get in a good work out so that I can show my doctor and they can help me figure out what to do on the days when my IBD acts up.

One pet peeve of mine is when you go to the doctors with a pain somewhere and they automatically say, “If you lost a bit of weight it wouldn’t be painful!” or the famous “It is because you are large that the pain is there. You have to lose weight for the pain to stop!”
I call bullshit on that!

You broke your wrist because you are over weight? I think not you moron! I just wish doctors would treat the actual injury or pain and not think that everything is weight related. Ingrown toenail? Over weight caused that eh!

I am just glad that my doctor knows that I will not accept that as an answer and I want treating just like everyone else does.

Sorry about that little rant there but I had to get it off my chest or it would be weighing me down and we don’t need that now do we LOL

How have your walks been going? I hope they are fun and you find something funny on each of your walks. Doesn’t matter if it isn’t funny to someone else just as long as it is hilarious to you!

I do hope that you are continuing your walks. I have so far signed up for three charity walks and three other events that involve a lot of walking.

Well, I know this is a short post but I am finally going to sit down with my hubby and watch a movie together, it’s rare that that happens because we both are usually doing our own work in the evenings!

So, until tomorrow, have a great night and keep on walking!
©2011 7Ladybugs
March 6, 2011


  1. What kind of pedometer are you using? I have one but I dont think its accurate...

  2. Aha. I once had an ultrasound technician try to tell me that my knee hurt because I smoke. Yes, the medical profession has some of the stupidest reasons for things. I'm not a doctor, but I know lighting up a smoke doesn't cause you to sprain your knee. And I am disturbed by how far you walked in 19 days. You realize you could walk to my house in no time, right? Hurry up, though. Dinner won't wait forever. :)

  3. Hey Bugz...I hear ya! Years ago I stopped going to the Dr for that fact...what was the use? Now I don't take that crap for an answer=)

    My walks stalled out last week...had some "WONDERFUL womanly issues" going hoping to get back on track today...if I don't talk myself out of it.

  4. 40 miles in 19 days thats awesome I am aiming for 44 miles in a month I am up to 20 miles so far and I still have to the 31st lol yay! well actually not really because I will be in Ireland. Good luck!!

  5. @ Lizzy.. I am not sure what kind it is but if you read my post about insulted by a gadget you will know what a joke it is LOL The best one I found was the one from Kellogg cereal:) I will post a picture of it for you tomorrow!

    @Borderline LOL about your doctor some of them are stupid! As for me walking to your place.. I will be there shortly lol

    @Marty.... GET your butt out there and WALK!! Dont make me come there with a cattle prod and make you walk LOL

    @2Chicks... You will do it! I wasn't even trying to go for a certain distance but now I think I might up it by ten miles each month.

  6. Some doctors are idiots and I wonder how they manage to get a degree. Good for you with all of that walking!! Keep it up! :)
