Friday, March 4, 2011

A New Award!?!?

Today when I opened my blog, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this award was waiting for me. Thank you for this gift!

This award was given to my by Borderline Girl. If you haven’t been to her blog you really should because she is AWESOME!

Now the terms of this award are:

- I Thank the person that gave it to me
- I have to pass it on to 15 new bloggers
- List 7 things about me
- And finally, drop a note in each mailbox letting them know they won!

So here goes.


I am going to have to dig around for some new bloggers to give this award to LOL

The following bloggers, in my opinion, deserve this award!

Seven things about me:

1. I am terrified of heights
2. I love to do crafts
3. I have studied Parapsychology and Astrology
4. I was a Teachers Aide
5. I am a Published Author
6. I am an Event Planner
7. I am ME! And that’s the best one of all!

Now I am going to drop some mail on people’s pages!

Thank you again for the award Borderline Girl!


  1. Thanks for the award!
    I was just reading your post about your little dog. He is so cute!
    Again, thanks for the honour,I'm so touched!

  2. Yay, thanks Ladybugz!

    What do you know, I’m ‘stylish’ after all... *_*
    In your face, World!

    Guess I’ll go think of 7 more things to say ;)

  3. Thank you so much. I'm not sure but you probably did see where in my blog where I mentioned your giving me the Versatile Blogger Award that I wanted a Stylish Blogger Award too. The universe obviously brought it to you to bring to me. LOL. Thanks again.

  4. Hey! Tnx a million for giving me an award! I'm truly honoured, and I think you have a cool blog aswell.


  5. You are welcome! You definitely deserved to win!

  6. Awwww thanks so much! :)

  7. OMG!!! What an awesome thing to find coming back after a long weekend of not feeling well and being stuck in the house! Thank you, thank you, thank you LadyBugz! You got yourself a new follower as well!!!!

  8. Thanks!! Very touched! I feel so slow in figuring it out.. haha
