Saturday, March 19, 2011

A day of nothing going right!

Today was supposed to be my rest day, but if you know me then that you know that it never happens the way I plan it!

Today I was supposed to go truck shopping for me a new-to-me vehicle as my car is on its last tire LOL and hubby is afraid if I am too far away from home I might really break down and not be able to get home. That means I cannot drive outside of our little town and it is killing me LOL Ok so I have actually gone outside of our town when he is at work but Shhhh lol

Today I didn’t get to go shopping with hubby because he had to take his truck over to his buddies place and clear out some of the stuff he has stored in his back yard. I know of a few things that are coming home today and one is our 4x4 Beemer! Yes I did say 4x4 and BMW in the same sentence LOL It is our riverbed runner or off road luxury ride! Its best if you don’t ask because all I can say is IT’S A GUY THANG lol His buddy has a HUGE truck which is almost the size of a monster truck. Yes we are rednecks and proud of it too!

The other things that are coming home are a couple of motors and parts of his SQUISHED truck that he wants to rebuild. I think it is a lost cause but whatever LOL

This is after the truck rolled over going around a corner when his brakes failed and his toolbox shifted in the back of the truck!

Another view of his old truck we call TREVOR!

And this is our other truck that we play in and we call this one SAMSON!

This is Samson’s Grumpy Face LOL It is actually on the front bumper and the eyes light up and glow red when you have the headlights on!

Then today my daughter was supposed to be going out on a date with this guy/jerk and he promised her he would be here and guess what? He didn’t show up…again! This is the 3rd of 4th time he has done this to her and I think she is now realizing he is just mind fucking her! I told her to email him and say oops sorry I missed you I had to go out! LOL Trust me if I see him I will slap him and I don’t care! No one hurts my kids and gets away with it! Momma Ladybug has her bitchy panties and bra on today LOL

So, today has pretty much been shot down in flames for anything that I wanted to do! I did go for a walk around the cemetery today so I feel good about that considering I was going to be taking off this weekend to let my ankles rest up… but walking in the sunshine is so much fun!

How was your day? Did you go for a walk today?

©2011 7Ladybugs
March 19, 2011


  1. Momma ladybug xD nice post!
    I could have gone for a walk today but I did not :)

    Followed by the way

  2. Awwww. I'm sorry you had an off day!!
    1. Bitch lap your daughters date. He deserves it and you'll feel better.
    2. My Hubby has a retarded redneck vehicle too. He bought himself an 86' Blazer "because Rambo had one."
    3. Good for you that you got your walk in!! :)

  3. I just want to say (besides that guy is a total jerk) that those pictures really make me want to go mudding.

  4. i haven't gotten to your 'tomorrow', but it's always better than the nasty day ... i hope it was
