Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Nothing New

Well hello again! This is getting quite the habit of us meeting like this! You come by here often don’t you. It must be the new perfume I am wearing, or is it just the fact that you think I am AWESOME!! LOL

Today was just like any other day, except it didn’t rain today when we went out for our walk. Oh and I had to go into the insurance office to ask a question about the trucks insurance and a funny thing happened LOL Sounds like a set up for a joke eh!

Anyway, while waiting in the Insurance office, I noticed a red foamy V.W. Bug car sitting on top of one of the office computers. I turned to my friend and said, “Red punch buggy no punch backs!” I gently punched him in the arm. The lady behind the counter gave us a puzzled look and then continued to work.

He was looking around the office to see if he could find another 'punch buggy' and then he spotted some balloons. With a big smile on his face he reached into the container and took one. Again the lady gave him a puzzled look, so he politely asked, "Can I have one please?"

Her response was,” And what are THEY?"

He slowly replied,” Balloons!"

She turned beet red and walked away.

I know if she reads this she will die of embarrassment but hey its good reading LOL

Other than that nothing too exciting has happened around here today. I did get some more of my schoolwork done, I am ahead of everyone else so I kind of slack off on it every now and then.

I started work on a new story for a children book but I am not too sure in which direction this may go LOL Could be humorous or serious… it all depends on where the story takes me!

Well, that’s it for me today. I know this is a short post but I am so tired from staying up and watching season three of Torchwood with hubby last night! I think I will have an early night tonight, like that will happen!

Keep up on the walking and exercise!

©2011 7Ladybugs
March 22, 2011


  1. it's so sweet that you're going to write for kids :) i have written kids music in the past :) just a good excuse to get silly

  2. I think right now I need a kid's book... it's about all I have left in me to write this.
    Bugzy you crack me up. I hope to be sleeping when you get this.

  3. Let me know when your done I might want to buy copy for my daughter :)

  4. Ho exciting about the childrens book!!! :)
