Sunday, March 27, 2011

Revenge of the Nachos!

You know how sometimes you just know you shouldn’t eat something because you are allergic to it or because you know it doesn’t agree with you? Well, that was me! I know I can’t digest them and I get sick from them, which I did, but damn they are so good! I think it was worth the pain and suffering I went through on Saturday night! I spent most of today in bed but did feel better in the afternoon to go for a walk with my mom.

My mom and I haven’t been able to go out for a walk by ourselves lately so it was really nice to just take my mom out and chat!

I was, and still am, their primary care giver when they get sick. In June 2006 they were both diagnosed with cancer on the same day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
My mom is a previous cancer survivor so we knew she was going to beat this one as well.
My dad on the other hand was really scared of the C word.

They called me over to tell me and as soon as I walked into their house I said ‘so who has cancer and where is it located!’ I don’t know why but I just knew that’s what they were going to tell me. When they told me I said oh is dad having sympathy pains and wants to have cancer to make you feel better? They laughed and agreed that that’s what it was. We have a great sense of humor and it has gotten us through many a tough time!

Anyway, long story short, they are both fine but it was a battle for their lives from when they went into surgery. Complications galore for both of them! I won’t continue with the troubles as I am sure no one really wants to hear about them LOL

Back to the walk with my mom, we ended up walking around the cemetery twice before she even noticed that we had done it! She was so happy that we got to go there and have a mother daughter chat about their health and things. I personally think she just wanted to go for a ride in my new truck, or my dad was driving her nuts… one of the two, but I didn’t care it was a nice day out!

My step-daughter came home today from being at her moms for the two week spring break and the first thing she said was ‘I want on the computer!’ Yes I could have slapped her but I refrained!

Then her mom TELLS me (not asks or comments) that she has to go to the dentist and the doctor! WTF? She was with her for two weeks, she could have taken her to the damn dentist and doctors, but she leaves it up to me because she is too cheap to pay for the dentist bill.

So, today was a good day/ bad day around here! How was YOUR weekend? Did you get out and exercise?

©2011 7Ladybugs

March 27th,2011


  1. I'm so glad to hear about your parents doing well!! I understand about the eating things we shouldn't lol... I do it all the time. :P

  2. it sucks that they have cancer. but hope they get better!! :)

  3. @Poke - I am glad i am not the only one that craves things they shouldn't eat LOL

    @Collin - thank you and they are both cancer free as of last month!
