Monday, March 7, 2011

A Day With Hubby!

What a busy day I have had today. I have been running around nonstop all day and I am tired!

First I had to take hubby to the doctors because he might have a pinched nerve or bulging disk in his neck, which is affecting his right arm. The doctor then sends us for x-rays in the next town so off we go for a forty-five minute drive to get x-rays.

While we are out that way we decide to drop by and see an elderly gentleman that we know as the last time we spoke on the phone he wasn’t in great health. You know how elderly people love to talk because they are lonely, so we ended up staying for a while.

We left his house and I thought we were coming home but hubby had other ideas and off to VV Boutique to check for a receiver for his surround sound system. Found one there but he didn’t buy it incase there was a better deal at the pawnshop in town. So we leave from there and go and buy bread from the bakery that sells their day olds ten for ten dollars.

Now we are on our way home and then he remembers that there is a pawnshop in town and we should look there after going into liquidation world. So we park the car in the parking lot and walk to every thrift store within two blocks of the car. No receivers we to be found. We did find a great store that sells some weird stuff. I don’t mean weird colors or style or anything I mean WEIRD! Where would you put a nine-foot Incredible Hulk prop? Or how about a life-sized brass Bison? There was Yoda’s, Elvis’s and other freaky things from movies and memorabilia. Really cool to see some of the old things but damn the life sized Bison and the police officer were weird. They had twin Hawaiian girls that you could pose with. They had the blue guy from Monsters Inc. They even had Ronald McDonald sitting there! You can rent the Incredible Hulk for $90 for a party.

What? The Incredible Hulk isn’t your style? They have elephants and airplanes and pterodactyls and many other things that they can even deliver to your event for an extra fee LOL I was going to take some pictures but the owner said I couldn’t do that!

So after walking around weird emporium for about half an hour or so, we head back out to go back to the car.

Now we have to go to the grocery store, that we have already past by three times, to get something for dinner. He knew what he wanted yet he had to walk up and down the isles just to end up at the deli to pick up the sliced meat that we went in for! Then off to the soup isle for some gravy mix so he can have beef dip for dinner.

Leaving the grocery store he is still going on about how he should have picked up the receiver back at VV Boutique. I tell him there is one last place that is on our way home, which he should check out.

We check out the final pawnshop on our way home and nothing is there. He is still going on about the one he should have bought and I finally had enough and told him to drive back through town to go and buy the damn thing! Fighting traffic back through town he gets his receiver and a couple of other things and then he has a brain fart and we have to make one more stop.

Considering he hates shopping I think he did more impulse shopping today that I ever have! He hates malls and usually leaves the grocery shopping up to me, but when he has a day off and is in the shopping mood, WATCH OUT! Lol

I did manage to get a whole bunch of walking in today while shopping with him though, so far I have walked over three miles and that is not even including my nightly walk with pooch and the kids.

I smell some good food cooking right now and I am getting hungry (I am having chicken dip because I can not have beef!) so I will bit you farewell for tonight and hope you went out for a walk today.

©2011 7Ladybugs
March 7, 2011


  1. I wish I had a store like that around here.
    I know exactly where I would put a life size brass bison.

  2. I read several of your posts. I enjoy walking. You have a great blog. I added myself as a follower.
