Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Waitng Can Be Fun!

If you read yesterdays post then you know I had to go back into the town that is about an hour away to drop off some letters and do some crap at the disability office. That was the plan anyway!

We drove into town and I figured I would get the disability crap over and done with then I will have more time to do my running around. I am just glad that we were there for 10:30am because the disability office was packed full.

They have decided that instead of people checking in and waiting to be seen they will mix it up a bit and add that you have to take a number to be seen. I follow the rules and pull out a number from the machine and I am number 93! Woohooo I think. It shouldn’t be long now. Then I look up and see that they are only on number 77! Oh shoot me now would ya!

On top of me being the millionth person to be seen, they only have one person out of the five that should be there working, everyone else went on early lunch/coffee break.

I take a seat with my daughter and prepare for the wait. I am not a waiting kind of person because I get fidgety so I go and take another number, just because I can! Well, then the lady sitting next to me said that some people have come in and taken a number and just dropped them on the floor, and that I should go and hunt around on the floor for a better number. I was about to get up from my seat when I felt Manda pull on my hoodie and tell me to sit down LOL She knows I would have had too much fun pretending to look for my contact lens that I dropped (which I don’t own!) and I would encourage others to help me find it! Come on everyone in there is grumpy and getting them involved in something is amusing to me and also fun for them, well, ok … maybe more fun for me but still!

Anyway, I didn’t get up from my seat because of Mandas death ray stare that told me if I moved I would be dead… next time I am going to see if she would actually kill me LOL If you don’t hear from me send flowers LOL

Some more people come in and take numbers and then smile, look up at what number they are at and then back at their own number and back up at the number they are on now LOL It was like one of those hidden camera pranks that people pull on others! It was awesome! I just happen to mention to this one guy that Manda was drooling over that there was a sooner number than his 103rd ticket on the floor if he wanted to go look. Manda wanted to crawl under a rock and I wanted to bring out my camera! What? It was funny!

That guy went down a couple of thousand points in Mandas eyes when he was on the floor looking for a number.

Then in walks this lady that must have been 80 years old but tried to dress like she was in her slutty 20’s. She wore (oh yea I am going to describe it to you so you can gouge out your eyes too!) hot pink spandex pants from the children’s section I am sure, a pale pink poofy ski jacket and a fluffy white scarf. The pants went into crevices that should not have had clothing in them (I am sure you know about the camel toe… if not then google it!) and you could tell she had on nothing under them. * Shudder *

She was about 5 foot 4 or so and weighed like 90 pounds soaking wet. She had white blonde (not gray) poofy hair, although she might have been electrocuted I am not sure, and when she opened her mouth she sounded like a sailor! WTF is this sh*t? Hey lady (meaning me) do you think I have time to go to the courthouse to check see if someone is still in jail? She smelt funny, like she had bathed in expired perfume, so I told her yea she had plenty of time LOL Not to be out smarted she took eight of the numbers from the roll, just incase she isn’t back in time!

First of all, I could have told her that yes there are people still in prison and secondly, that taking eight numbers will not slow down the sequence of numbers. Does she think that if they call one of her eight numbers that the world will just stop until she comes back? She was a weird one!

When my number was called I stood up and yelled BINGO! Manda wanted that rock again to crawl under! So, after a two-hour wait and laughing at the number game I had started with the tickets, it was my turn to see the grumpy lady!

Oh hell no you are not going to be grumpy after making me wait for two hours! I asked her if she was having a good day, she said how can I help you! I said you could help me by not being grumpy! She smiled! I told her what I was there for and she said that I could have phoned the information in! WTF! I was told when I did phone in that I couldn’t phone it in! She smiled genuinely and said “some people are lazy around here and don’t want to type!”

She was laughing by the time I had finished with her and I am sure the next person was very grateful that I was before them, because she went from all business to being actually human and caring!

So with that behind me, I am now running behind schedule AGAIN and I still have to get out about six or so letters. I have to race around to the businesses that I need to drop the letters off at and then I managed to drop off a couple of letters off at places I had forgotten about as well.

Thinking I have plenty of time I am taking the scenic route (as apposed to the freeway) back home and then I notice I am following a school bus!! Oh crap I am going to be cutting it close getting home!

This time I get smart and drive through our town and pick my youngest up on the way home, I am not late that way! After I dropped the kids off at home I went and picked my mom up and we went for our daily walk around the cemetery. It was windy and cold but that just made us walk all that more quicker!

Did you walk today?

©2011 7Ladybugs

April 5th ,2011

1 comment:

  1. i can only hope i don't turn into that slutty old woman trying to hang on to my youth lmao!
