Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday April 25th, 2011

Nothing amazing happened today. It was basically a day of rest and cleaning up after the wreck of a weekend we had.

I did manage to get some of the videos completed that I was making of our 4x4 trip, the clean up and of my tattoos.

So many people have asked me about my tattoos and what they look like that I took pictures of all of them and made them into a movie. It looks pretty cool actually and you will get o see it when I have uploaded it later this week.

I did manage to get all of my 365 Challenges updated in my book. I have a binder and like for the walking one I write down how many steps I take each day on a piece of paper and then when I have time I transfer it to my binder. The same goes for my photo challenge and my writing challenge as well. My desk is covered with pieces of paper with things written on them or binders with stories that need to be finished or edited etc. I even have a binder that is full of manila envelopes for all of my odd scraps of paper. When I don’t know what to do with a piece of paper or I am cleaning up my office for a quick clean, I just put all my pieces of paper into an envelope and date the envelope so I know what day I chucked everything in there and then I have a clean desk and an organized ‘Mess Binder’ that sits on my shelf. It has big letters on it saying M.E.S.S, which means Mom’s Everyday Scraps of Something LOL Once in a while I go through those scraps and transfer the info to a book incase I need it in the future, then shred the scrap of paper.

Not that you would know this but I took a break from writing this and went for a walk with my mom and then went shopping at the local store for some socks that do not slide down under your feet when you are walking! I think that is my biggest pet peeve about socks! You are walking along at a nice pace and your sock slowly slides down and under your foot and then bunches up under your instep and it feels like you are walking on rocks or something. Then you have to stop and fix your sock and no sooner have you fixed one the other decides to do the same thing! I have them beat now, I bought new socks that are those anklet socks and they are guaranteed not to slide down!

My mom only managed one lap for her walk today because it was hailing too hard and it kept hitting her in the head and driving her nuts. I went for the two laps and had a great time playing in the hail and listening to it crunching under my feet as I walked.

Do you walk in the hail and rain? Or are you a fair weather walker? Be honest now lol

©2011 7Ladybugs
April 25th, 2011