Friday, April 8, 2011

Day with the 'boys'

Friday April 8th, 2011

Manda had a great idea today; lets take Gizmo's friend for a walk with us! Benny, Gizmo's buddy, likes to pee on things and was worried about him being in my new truck and peeing on the seats. Benny is a little Pomeranian that lives two doors down at our friends place.

Unfortunately, Benny jumped into the truck and made it perfectly clear that he was going on a car ride and a walk with his buddy Gizmo, and no one was going to stop him!

I wasn't in the mood to argue with the dog so I got his leash from his owner and off we went on our car ride and walk.

Gizmo was sitting nicely on the back seat and Benny was being a retard hanging on the window. He learnt pretty fast that standing on his hind legs fully stretched out to stick his head out the window on leather seats is slippery. Yes, I turned a corner and Benny ended up on the floor and gizmo was looking at his friend like, 'you retard you shouldn't stand on the seats! She has a bad sense of humor and will purposely turn corners or stop suddenly to make you slide off!' Come on it was funny watching the little fur ball roll off the seat and then jump back up super fast incase he missed any air! LOL

We get to where we were going for our walk and noticed that the place we normally walk there was someone there with his or her dog off leash. We were determined to talk them for a walk and decided to walk around the big oval in the middle.

Benny has to pee on every blade of grass and slows our walks down considerably, but it was fun all the same. He has only got short legs so he looks like a cartoon character zipping along to keep up with Gizmo!

We did make the boys walk twice around the center oval because they were being good and by the time we got back to the truck on the second trip both boys were slowing down, which means that their energy had been spent!

This is Benny looking out the window on our drive!

Doesn't he look so adorable!

Gizmo being the smart guy and sitting on the leather seats!

Gizmo blowing kisses!

Benny on top of the Pet Stand poopie Bag stand!

Look at the boys smiling with Manda.

©2011 7Ladybugs

April 8th, 2011

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