Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Mystery Noise!

Today I had to wake up early, because my youngest daughter has a doctor’s appointment about her knee. One day this week I am sleeping in and I don’t care what happens! So, I asked Manda to wake me up at 9am so I would be able to get ready and have breakfast etc before Nadine’s appointment.

I drag my sorry butt out of bed and head to the bathroom. I hear my hubby chuckling at something on his computer and it doesn’t register that he is still home and I go and get my clothes and then get dressed.

What are you doing out of bed and all dressed? He asks me.

What are you still doing home? I replied.

Its only 5:15am and I don’t leave until 5:50am!
Oh ok! I say as I shuffle past him. It still hasn’t click in what he said about the time!

I check my mail and then go to get my breakfast.

WHAT? IT’S WHAT TIME? I yell at him LOL yes the light came on, it was way too early to get up!

Oh crap now I will try and go back to sleep. Hubby comes in and opens the bar fridge in our room and drops a can of coke on the floor! I am never going to get to sleep. Then the dog decides its time to cuddle with mom while she stays awake.

I am just drifting off to sleep when I hear this. …Sound. I am not sure how to describe it but it sounds like someone saw wood with a saw. I am trying to figure out where the damn noise is coming from when it stops. Oh well it stopped so now I can go back to sleep.

Again I am just drifting off to sleep and this noise is back. This is now driving me totally nuts because I cannot find out where it is coming from. I have checked all the electronics in the room (and we have many), I have checked the alarm clocks and the mp3 players that were charging and nothing is making that noise. Just when I think I am getting closer to finding it, it stops!

Now I am wide-awake and pissed off because I can’t go back to sleep and I can’t find out where the noise is coming from. Then I hear my daughter and son upstairs, and they are not quiet in the mornings. They may think they are quiet but they aren’t! It is now 7:45am and there is no way I am going to be able to get back to sleep so I get up. Just as I am leaving the room I hear the noise again and damn me, it’s the dog snoring! Guess who is not sleeping next to me tomorrow morning LOL

So skipping ahead a bit, we make it to the doctors and find out she needs x-rays on her knee because she has a meniscal tear. The only place that does x-rays is in the next town over and I really don’t feel like driving out there right now! I tell her to go back to school and I will pick her up after school and go to get her x-rays done then, she is happy with that and that will give me time to phone my hubby and ask him if he wants to take her tomorrow or if he wants me to take her today. Guess where I went after school!

The x-ray place was still open and amazingly not busy. Nadine was in and out before I even had time to steal the Readers Digest… oops I mean read the Readers Digest index LOL

She has another appointment next week with the doctor to go over the test results and see what can be done for her knee. So far we have: Manda having surgery, Jason may require surgery and Nadine may require surgery, I am just hoping that they are not all on the same day at different hospitals! If they do I am stealing an ambulance so I can play with the lights and sirens and get between the hospitals quicker.

So, that’s how my day has gone! How has your day been? Oh and in between the doctors, x-rays and life, I did get a walk in with my mom. It was a weird day for weather around here; we got pelted with hail, snow, rain and sunshine! But we still walked!!

©2011 7Ladybugs

April 6th, 2011


  1. i really hope everything goes well with your daughter's knee ... i've had chronic knee problems since i was 8.

    they won't give me surgery until i'm too old to enjoy new knees :( so your daughter is quite lucky

  2. Wow thats a crap load of stuff going on. I have a lot going on but its school work and drama with the bf not family stresses. great job getting the walk in still i would of been pooped out. I am going for my 3 mile in a couple mins :( with no nice scenery lol

  3. WoW!!! I hope everyone comes out ok. How frustrating about your dog. Our stupid cat woke us up at 2:20 am last night having a massive/noisy sh*t blow-out in the corner of our bedroom. We were NOT happy campers. I almost skipped the gym this morning I was soooo tired. But I went! Glad you got your walk in!! :)

  4. Stealing an ambulance sounds like a great way to handle the situation. As long as you're in the driver's seat and not sitting in the back, wearing a jacket that ties in the back :)
