Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Redneck Funeral

I die. Leave me in the bathtub out back so I don’t stink the house out more than it already does. Just make sure the coonhound doesn’t come near me or try and hump me!

When Bubba gets sprung we will have a barn dance. Of course that would all be after gator season. You can use my body as a counter weight in your boat if you are going gator hunting alone, but make sure I have a life jacket on!

At the funeral I want everyone in his or her Sunday best. That means no man sweaters and no cut offs that might pop out what goodies you have. Wear underwear!! Damn it, have some respect!

I want a 21 rifle solute or just shoot some tin cans down in the back forty will be good.

I want the following for grub: Cajun Alligator Balls, Boiled Crawfish, Spicy Teriyaki Frog Legs (fried), and Dave’s Turtle Sauce Piquant. If ya’ll don’t have your own recipe then use this page

When we have done grubbing, I want everyone to do an honorary ‘alligator roll’ in memory of me. Come on, get down and do the roll!

When everyone has done the roll I want to be placed in a custom built gator chasing boat. I then want to be towed to the middle of the swamp and set on fire!

When I am just ashes I want you to mix my ashes into some gator bait and feed it to them so I can give them heart burn like they gave me LOL

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