Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My friend said I am a lost cause!

She sent the following tips in an email to me. I was reading them and chucking because we all ready know this information.

So, just for fun I have added my thoughts next to her healthy tips.
Come have a laugh with me as you read these tips.

The best way to stay motivated to walk is to record your walks. Note your time, distance, steps, etc. You can even keep a little diary of what you thought about, things you saw, what you talked about with your walking partner. I tried recording my walks but no one wanted the cd of it so I stopped. I do write about the things I saw and I sell them to Penthouse Magazine. I didn’t talk about anything with my walking partner because the paramedics were working on them and they said not to talk to her.

Many people overeat when they are bored, lonely, or feeling stressed. Find healthy substitutes to emotional eating, like reading a book, talking to a friend, or going for a walk. I do! I go for a walk to my friend’s house and then we go to Dairy Queen and have a chocolate sundae while looking at the local newspaper.

Add lemon juice to ice cubes to use to flavor your water. I add the lemon ice cubes to my vodka, does that count?

Make your goals real by writing them down. I wrote them down in my recipe book with chocolate sauce.

Avoid elevators and escalators-take the stairs instead. You get some physical activity and save on electricity. You can also see some cute man bums, if you are standing behind them on the escalator. Nice view all the way up!

Splitting your walking time into two 15-20 minute segments will still burn calories and reinforce your commitment to walking. You can burn a lot more calories if you have a sick man-child because all the running back and forth will make up for you not going out for a walk.

Arm motion can lend power to your walking, burning 5-10% more calories and acting as a balance to your leg motion. Flailing your arms around while walking gets you a free ride to the hospital. I should know! They thought I was having a seizure and wouldn’t listen when I said I read somewhere that you are to move your arms while walking.

Ask for a half-portion or don't eat everything on your plate. I never finish what’s on my plate; I am usually full after picking off everyone else’s plate.

Ask for sauce and salad dressing on the side. Eat just enough to enjoy the flavor and leave the rest. I usually don’t have any sauce left after licking out the bowl.

Ask for the breadbasket to be removed from the table as you sit down. Tell them you would like the whole loaf instead, with extra butter.

Ask your vending company to stock healthier options like protein bars, water, and baked chips. Ask your friend to slap you upside the head if you do this.

Avoid large packages of chips, cookies, and similar snacks. Buy a single serving instead when a craving strikes. The smaller bags are easier to hide than the WOE-DAMN bag! Plus if someone sees you eating out of a small bag and then comes back in 10 minutes they will think you are on the same bag and not the 20th.

Bake, broil, or grill chicken and fish rather than frying. Then you can add the sour cream, bacon bits and cheese to the baked potato.

Be dip savvy. Dip apples in low-fat caramel, celery in fat-free cream cheese and carrots in fat-free ranch dressing. Then dip everything in chocolate sauce and enjoy!

Create paths that connect favorite neighborhood spots so you can be safe walking or biking to school, the park, the library, and the grocery store. Or just keep walking the same route and create a rut from the grocery store to home.

Don't forget that household activities, such as scrubbing floors and vacuuming, count as physical activity. Sex also counts as physical activity and you can even add a step counter to count your steps or thrusts. It all counts you know.

Choose 4 ounces of sugar-free yogurt in place of an 8-ounce container of yogurt. Then you can add caramel or chocolate sauce and nuts to it to make it taste somewhat nice.

Choose a low calorie frozen grilled sandwich or Panini to replace a butter-rich grilled cheese. For starters and then order the deep fried burger with cheese and bacon and a side of fries. Oh don’t forget the diet coke!

I sent this back to my friend and she said I was a lost cause LOL

Oh well, at least I will have fun walking and losing weight!

©2011 7Ladybugs
February 23rd, 2011


  1. Funny! I love the one with the ice cubes in your vodka and the sex step counter for every thrust lol Your blogs crack me up -Kim-

  2. LOL thanks Kim! I try to see the flip side of everything lol
    Just wait I have loads more to come lol

  3. reality is ... choose one at a time! i know that we can't change everything in a day ... one step at a time ... you'll do fine ... i'm attempting a chocolate free day today

  4. Hold on, does an escalator with no passengers use less electricity than one with passengers? I'd think if they're already using the energy, I might as well not let it go to waste....
    Great post, it made me smile. Just picture a red Ringpop at the top of the stairs. And if you ever walk to Ontario, I'll meet you with two of em!
