Saturday, January 15, 2011


I know I haven’t written in my blog for two days, but I have been writing, just not on here. I have also been walking as much as possible in this rainy weather we have been having lately. It wouldn’t be so bad except that we had nineteen inches of snow last week and then all this rain; it makes walking in slush a hazard.

Have you been walking? I had found a site for free pedometers but before I post the link I am finding out if it is actually free or if there is a catch to the “Free Pedometer” when you sign up. A lot of places I have found that have “Free Pedometers” come with all kinds of small print and if you do not read it you could be giving away your first born.

Totally of topic now but I want you to know that I have a great sense of humor. You are probably wondering, “Why is she telling me this?” Well, I am telling you this because some days my blog entry will be about my family or friends or an event that I have attended, but the way I see them!

I will start with my most favorite time of the year – Summer! Every Summer our little town seems to double in size as the tourists flow from all points on the globe to pass through our town on their way to a local tourist hot spot.
They come by car, van, bus and train.

The train is where I would like to take you first. Our train station is a unique one (I have never seen one like it before); it is in the middle of the road. Not just any road, but the one that goes through the middle of town.

Most of the time I can avoid the train as the locals know when the Via train is coming and we plan accordingly. On most days I have at least one of my teenagers with me, this is where the fun part comes in. I know that there is a way to go around the train when it is stopped in the middle of the road to pick up and drop off passengers, but I choose not to take it. It is more fun watching my kids squirm as I wave at the tourists on the train and watch them wave back to me.

One day I was the first car in the line when the barricades came down and we had to stop for the train. Oh goodie I get to see the tourists! My kids groan and pretend they don’t know me! I didn’t realize that tall kids could shrink down in size and almost fit in the tiny space made for your feet! You learn something new everyday!

This day was a special day for me as I had brought my camera! I had been watching the tourists take lots of pictures of us so this time I decided to take pictures of them while I was waiting.

“Mom you can NOT do that!”

“Mom get back in the car NOW!”

“Mom people will see you!”

Of course the kids were pretending that they were anywhere but in the car with me. So I turned around and said, “What kids? Are you talking to me? Your mom?”

If ever you want a teenager to be quiet, that’s all you have to do! My kids didn’t say another word to me on the short drive into the neighboring town that day, but you can rest assured that they cringe when they hear the trains’ horn in the summer and I grin!

This happened about six years ago, now my daughter is out there with me taking pictures but she still refuses to wave at them. She said something about if you cant beat them join them!

My kids know that I am kidding around and they can sometimes pull some great jokes on me, but they dread the payback that they will receive, and they know it will come!

It is a good job my whole family has a sense of humor as we try and make light of the many bad things that have come into our lives. We are the kind of family that if we saw you fall we would make sure you are ok and then make you laugh.

Our motto is: If you can’t laugh at yourself, we will gladly do it for you!

Maybe one day soon I will tell you the story of my son and his fishing trip where he caught a salmon fillet! Or one of the many other interesting stories that I can tell about my family.

Remember, keep walking and getting healthy in your free fitness area.

©2011 7Ladybugs
January 15, 2011

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