Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Did you do some great walking today? I was going to walk up town with my two kids today but when we went outside, even though the sky was blue and the sun was shining, I thought I was in the arctic! It was so cold and the wind was just cutting through us. I was going to check out the wind chill but was too cold to even do that!

We did go for a small walk down by the river to get some pictures for the 365 Photo A Day challenge but even then my hands were freezing and I was only outside for a brief minute to take a few pictures. It was bitterly cold today and no matter how many layers I put on, the wind just cut right through me.

Today for my daily photo I waited until the sun was setting and took a picture of the sunset on the mountains. I think it is so beautiful when the snow capped mountains turn pink by the setting sun!

I will be glad when winter is over and I can get in a nice walk without freezing my hands or feet off! One thing to remember when you are out walking in the winter is to bend your knees and lean forward when walking on ice. If you bend your knees and shuffle across the icy section you have less chance of falling than if you were to talk across it normally.

When you are walking, either with a friend or with the dog, do you like to have your mMP3 playing quietly? I know this may have sounded rude, but I find that if I have my MP3 playing an upbeat song quietly I will keep a faster pace when walking, yet I can still carry on a conversation with my walking partner. I have one of the headphones in my ear with the music low enough that I can hear the beat and still be able to walk and carry on a conversation. It really is a great motivator to keep a faster pace and make the walkout, like workout but walking, a little more challenging for me! What do you do to keep motivated? Do you have some favorite music you like to listen to when you are walking?

Well, another day and another Photo, Walking, Writing and Geocaching 365 Challenges down and another couple of hundred to go!

Keep on walking and I will be back tomorrow!

© 2011 7Ladybugs
January 9, 2011

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