Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It was a SNOW DAY!

They said on the radio yesterday that we are supposed to get a bit of snow… for once in their lifetime they were right! It DID snow! A whole bunch of snow! On the roof we have a five-foot snowdrift and on the ground we have about a foot of snow!

The kids had a snow day today so they decided to walk me up at 7:30am to tell me that they were not going to school. I would have figured it out myself when I woke up on my own that there was no school. I didn’t need them to shake me out of a dead sleep to inform me!

The kids have not figured it out yet that if you wake me up then I will pay you back! As we had a big dumping of snow and they drank the last of the milk, it meant I had to go into town to get some milk and other things.

“Did you shovel our driveway when you guys were outside?” I asked them as they were excitedly talking about how they shoveled so many driveways and even helped shovel out one of the apartment buildings driveway.

“No we didn’t know we were supposed to!” was the reply.

I let them eat their lunch that they had made and get nice and toasty warm before mentioning that I had to go to the store. This is where the revenge part comes into play.

“I am leaving in five minutes so I need my car and driveway clear please!”

“But MOOOOOMMM! You could have told us before we sat down!”

“I thought it would have been obvious that the car had snow on it and so did the driveway and you knew I had to get milk as you were the ones that drank the last of it!”

“This sucks!”

“So does getting woken up at 7:30am to tell me you were home!”

They did some under the breaths comments (of which I am sure there were some four letter words in there) and slowly moved to get their jackets and gloves on to go and shovel more snow. It didn’t end there either.

As we were leaving the phone rang and it was my mom asking if the kids can go over to shovel their driveway!

They just came home from shoveling the snow one my parents and their neighbors. I think they learn that they shouldn’t wake me up!


©2011 7Ladybugs
January 12, 2011

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