Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Most Memorable Vacation

In July we went on our annual family camping trip with my parents to Osoyoos, B.C. The funniest part of the whole week was my mom getting onto the floating chair, which Jason had brought with us.

He had been floating about without any problems, keep in mind he is 6"3 his legs could stretch out and reach the end of the lounge chair, his arms were long enough to reach over the inflatable sides to paddle himself around.

Now, Mom is 4"11 but wanted to try the chair so as to stretch out and not have to hang on for dear life, as with the inner tube she was using. She couldn't get on to it in the deep water so Jason pulled it close to shore for her. He showed her how to get on and said if she shuffled back it wouldn't tip over.

Mom stepped over the footrest thing and launched herself onto the chair. WHOOSH! The chair saw mom coming and shot like a bullet out of the way; she ended up on her butt in the water. She decided to give it another shot but with Jason holding the chair this time.

All was well as she launched herself backwards onto it. She was on it until Jason let go then it tipped her off into the water. By now the whole beach was cracking up laughing, as is my mom. She cannot stand up because she is laughing and Jason can't help her because he is laughing. She decided that the chair was possessed and went back to the inner tube.

This time she decided that she was tired of lying on the tube and I suggested she put it over her middle like the kids do. I should mention that my mom is a larger lady. I could not help her as I was laughing because I knew what was going to happen.

Jason came to her rescue and pushed it down over her head only to get it stuck on her boobs. She eased her boobs on top of the inner tube and was a happy camper. Now you can imagine what happened when Dad said it was time to start supper and we had to get out of the water!!
Picture this... a large 4'11" 60+ year old lady walking into shallow water with an inner tube around her. Mom was killing herself laughing because she realized that though the water was shallow, her inner tube was still up around her boobs and she was in ankle deep water. Once again it was Jason to the rescue and he pulled it up over her head.

From then on every time we went to the beach Jason would pop the inner tube over Mom's head and she was happy for hours. The lake, the fun and the laughter made that .

©2011 7Ladybugs
January 27th, 2011

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