Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday May 16, 2011 -

So today was one of those days that if something can go wrong it will, and it did! I got a call from Nadine's doctor asking me to come in with her later today, no problem, as I was free in the afternoon. My truck wouldn't start when it was time to leave so I had to figure out what the problem was by myself, fortunately it was just a loose battery connection and I was on my way shortly. As usual I was late and we only live like 10 minutes from the doctors office, but she is always running late anyway so technically I was on time!

Anyway, we get in to see her and she comes in and said, "We were all shocked about the results! You have a rare benign bone tumor under your knee cap!" Umm say what?

She has a Chondroblastoma, which is a rare, benign tumor. Of course Nadine only heard the word tumor and I could tell she was going to freak out so I told her it was a zit under her knee cap and she seemed to settle down. Most people forget that Nadine has the mentality of an eight year old because she is sixteen years old.

The next step is to have her seen by a specialist at Children's Hospital in Vancouver. None of this is cheap btw. To travel from here to Vancouver is going to be about $50.00 in gas plus Jason's lost wages because he doesn't get paid if he doesn't go to work and then trying to find parking, won't even touch that one!

So now it is a waiting game to see when she gets in and gets this all sorted out.

It was funny when her dad came home though because I had run out to the store to pick something up and all she told him was that she had a tumor and I would explain when I came home! LOL Well I get home and Jason is like she has a WHAT? I told him to calm down and after explaining it to him he was much happier and told Nadine not to tell people she has a tumor like that because it freaks people out! LOL

Two bad news days in the month is all I can take and we still have to go and see the specialist about Jason's back/neck/arm later this week!

I am still going for my daily walks because that is what is keeping me sane during these hellish times!

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