Sunday, March 6, 2011

Walking around the Scrap Yard!

Today I was going to be catching up on my computer work that I have been putting off, you know all the backing up and deleting stuff etc etc that no one really likes to do.

That WAS my plan until hubby came in to my office and said that we needed to go into town to get his taxes done and also to pick up a part for my car that died on Friday.

I figured it couldn’t be that bad of a trip and I could still get my stuff done and go for a walk with my mom in the afternoon. WRONG! The getting the taxes done was fine it was the picking up of my car part that took the longest.

My hubby is a guy that used to race demolition derby cars and raises his own 4x4 trucks (too high so he had to build me a stool to get into it LOL) so you know this is not just a head to your local parts store to buy a shiny new one kind of a trip. Nope it wasn’t! We went to a place that is a scrap yard that you take the used parts off the cars that you need and pay a lot less for them. This place I call my hubbys home away from home, it is pretty bad when they know him on a first name basis!

Anyway, I knew it was not going to be an easy task and I knew that I wouldn’t be back in time to go for a walk with my mom so I did what any normal person would do, I walked around the scrap yard!

Now don’t get me wrong, I am no stranger to the scrap yard either and I have no issues getting under a car or truck and helping out, but I was in my good walking shoes. I can get down and dirty with the best of them but not in my walking shoes!

As I weave my way between the cars I start looking in the cars to see what people have left behind in them either after an accident or scrapping their car. I found a bunch of things that made me go Hmmm. I see all kinds of things but I never keep anything. I found today two lipsticks, a sock, a shoe, a glove, and the list goes on. The one thing that had me raising an eyebrow was in one car, which was obviously pulled out from someone’s back yard and not in an accident, was a sock, a dirty magazine and some Vaseline!! Some is going to be missing their secret place!

I left that car and went about my business of getting my walk in for the day and I found 13 cents and a good socket that someone had dropped on the ground.

So after about forty-five minutes of him working to get a starter out of a scrap car, we were ready to head home. After all that time I didn’t get to do my back up of my computer and I did miss my walk with my mom but I did get my walk in for the day and then some.

So, if you are ever stuck somewhere and you need to get some walking in, just walk around where you are, even if it is in circles or around the outside of a building, it all counts you know.

I walk on average about 3.2 miles every day and half the time I am not even trying to push my steps to get higher that the day before.

©2011 7Ladybugs
March 5th, 2011


  1. You have some impressive self-discipline. As I read this I thought: oooh I could get up and walk around. But then I realized that there's another post for me to read here, so screw exercise, I'm catching up. Maybe if you think of me as you walk, you could burn some of my calories for me? No?

  2. Ewww gross...LOL...wonder where that person "plays" now?? lol

  3. I'm glad you aren't so "into" recycling that you took the vaseline! LOL. Might have given yourself a nasty infection if you used it (particularly for your lips). I know, I know. I'm bad. :)

  4. @Borderline... I have done that before and just thought to myself.. one more post then I will go out for a walk.. oh just one more and maybe check the Coffee Shop for new messages and then I will go LOL Eventually I just give up and go out for a walk!

    @Marty... I don't think I want to know where they play now LOL

    @Carmen... I don't think anything could make me be THAT into recycling LOL
