Monday, March 21, 2011

The Old Man and Manda

Today, apart from going for my usual walk I went to have my blood work done. I swear whenever I go in to get my blood taken my veins decide to take a vacation! She tried on the right arm first where there was a “good big” vein. The vein wasn’t so good because it kept rolling away from the needle. You know like when you have something and you don’t want it to touch you so you back away from it, which is what my right arm veins were doing.

Lets try the left arm to see if it is better, the cheerful vampire said! Tie the oversized elastic band around my arm to try and strangle the vein into submission and let’s see what we can get. “Oh this is a nice vein right here!” and she brought the needle close to my arm and POOF the vein disappeared into the depths of my arm!

I cant understand why we have to go through this EVERY time I go into our small town lab, its not like they have so many vampires in there that I get a new one each time, they only have two! I make the same suggestion again of getting someone to pop me in the nose and I will gladly give them all the blood they need! Nope, wrong kind of blood the vampire says, WTF! Blood is red and it is in me to share with the vials LOL

Anyway, after the hot cloths on the arms the vampire finally got the vein to give up some blood for the two vials. I now have the bruises and red marks from the band aide to show I was there.

While I was in getting my blood work done, my daughter was across the street at a doctors appointment, then she was going to come over to the lab because she had to get some blood work done as well, and we both had to fast for our blood work today.

After my blood work was done I went out side to sit in the car while Manda went in to get her blood work done. She came out a while later and told me this, of which I thought was hilarious and just had to share it with you.

She walked into the front part of the lab and sitting on the right side was an older gentleman with dementia (his wife pointed that out to Manda) and when he saw Manda he said, “Can I have a smooch please? You have to give me a smooch first before you can get your blood work done!” Manda was polite and said it must be a new service that they offer.

She handed in her blood work form to the receptionist and walked back to where there was a place to stand, as all the chairs were full.

“You can come and sit on my lap if you would like sweetie.” Mr. Smooch told Manda, to which she replied it was ok she would stand because she had been sitting for a while already.

He was shortly called into the back where they take your blood and Manda thought *Whew* I can finally sit down and not be hit on by an old guy. Not so fast Miss Manda, she is called up next and there are only two chairs where they can take your blood and guess who is sitting in the other chair? Yes, Mr. Smooch was waiting in the chair to have his other tests done! Manda said she almost died when he told her she could sit on his lap and he would hold her hand while she had her blood work done!

When she pointed out that there was the other chair free, he looked like he was thinking up some excuse for the chair not to be there for her. Yes, Manda can have fun with the old people just like I do! Got to love them eh!

I had my messenger status set to: I am dressing up as the grim reaper and going to the old peoples home and telling them I will see them soon! LMAO

After that moment with Manda and her admirer, we decided that as we were out we might as well get our walk in now rather than have to come out later to do it, so off we went up to the cemetery for our daily walk.

We walked around the outside of the cemetery and just as we were coming around the last corner towards my car, it started to rain, hard!! We didn’t bring our coats with us, as we were not planning on going anywhere other than the lab and the doctors’ office, so you know we were nice and soaked!

Anyway, I crunched some numbers yesterday (the calorie free ones) and I figured out that on average I was about 3.5 miles a day. In the last twenty days I have walked 44.3 miles or 71.3km. Since February 15th, 2011 when I started to wear my pedometer I have walked a total of 76.6 miles or 123.28kms! I don’t know about you, but damn I walk a lot! And Damn I am proud of myself!

Well, that’s the kind of day it has been around here! How was your day? Did you get out and do any walking or exercising?

©2011 7Ladybugs

March 21, 2011


  1. ok ... queasy ... i don't do well with blood work and hearing about someone else's also makes me ooogie!

    i have to get mine this week too ugh.

  2. I love the elderly. I worked at a grill with one other woman for a long time that opened at 6 am. All of the elderly in the neighborhood would be there, at 6 sharp, to drink their coffee and jest with each other and of course with us too. It fun fun joking around with them!

    I took a good walk yesterday to take some pictures. It's been so nice outside!

  3. wow can we say Creepster?? I have came in contact with a lot of them little old men lol. At least she was nice about it, I saw this one girl flip out on a little old man for doing something like that. It was depressing.
