Saturday, March 12, 2011

Home Alone...AT LAST!!

Today I haven’t been out for my walk yet but I have managed to walk three miles in the house and all I am doing is cleaning.

Saturdays are normally our 4x4 days but with the truck down for repairs right now it is now cleaning day on Saturdays. I would much rather go 4x4ing than clean!

I have cleaned the entire kitchen and hand washed all the Tupperware that always seems to collect grease and gunk in the dishwasher.

Tonight I was asked to help cater a function at the legion in our town but I didn’t want to pass up a chance of spending time with my hubby and having NO KIDS in the house!

My son and daughter are catering the function and my stepdaughter is at her moms house for spring break and that all means that I get to spend about two hours with my honey ALONE!

I don’t know how we will handle it as we always have one of the kids around to keep us in line LOL

Actually I am home alone right now as hubby had to go and help his friend move his projection TV, but I am sure he will be home soon!

Oh speak of the devil, he just walked in the door LOL We have decided we are going to go and have dinner and watch a movie before the kids come back.

Have a great night everyone and make sure you have been out for your walk today!

©2011 7Ladybugs
March 12, 2011


  1. I hope you have a great night! I never know what to do when my kids aren't around. It's an odd feeling, isn't it?

    Oh, btw, I added your button to my page! I love it! The animation is cool...

  2. no walk today ... but an awesome yoga class :)

  3. I am so lazy!!! I should clean tomorrow. and go for a walk. (I have to return a dvd so that will be my excuse) I hope you had a wonderful time without the kids! You deserve some alone time.

  4. ha! sounds just like my sat. I rearranged my whole living room and cleaned it and my bedroom. I still have 3 more rooms to go but I have to get homework done first. It all pays off in the end though when you sit down and look around and say yeah... I did a damn good job lol
