Wednesday, March 30, 2011

And this is how my day was!

I know the title to this post sounds a bit weird but then again most things I do or say sound weird!

Today was my monthly shot of vitamin B, and I go and see the Health Nurse at my doctors’ office. I know when you think of health nurses you think of females, well, my health nurse is a male and the kids call him the “sex doctor” because he is the one that goes into the schools and talks to the kids about safe sex and abstinence.

I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for my turn and Rob, my health nurse, comes out and says, “Ok! Who do I can to gouge today?” He is a funny, funny man and we are always joking around. Well, across from me was an elderly lady that I thought was going to pass out when he said that, I think she thought he was serious! She just doesn’t have a sense of HA HA!

I stand up and follow him into the little office thing where they give shots, and he asks which tattoo do I want to get my shot in this time. I told him none of them as I haven’t got my bulls eye tattoo yet LOL He said my left arm Angel was looking a little scared and right when he said that he jabbed me with the needle!

I told him that was not nice because he stabbed her cloud and now it would rain LOL Sure enough it rained all day today! We joke around all the time when I go see him as it is fun and well, what else is there to do while getting a shot?!

Then he tells me I have to take some pregnancy vitamins when I go on vacation in July/August because I cannot miss my shots. OH WAIT! NO NO NO I am not Prego!!!!!
So I either have to come down from camping, which is about a 3 hour drive on rough gravel road, or take some pregnancy vitamins. I am not happy about taking the pregnancy vitamins because I cannot digest them, and the last thing I need to happen when we are out in the middle of the bush is for my IBD to act up! Might just make a trip into town to stock up and get a shot while I am at it! Have to talk it over with hubby!

While I was at the doctors office I asked if they had the results of Jason’s CT Scan and they only had the draft of the test but she made an appointment for hubby to see the doctor on April 7th. Could be good news or it could be bad news… have to wait and see now!

After getting my shot, it was pissing out rain and that didn’t even stop Manda and me from going for our morning walk around the cemetery. Our friends were not there today, the Robin and the Squirrel, so I couldn’t take a picture of them for you. I think they were probably staying warm and dry somewhere, which would be smart!

This afternoon we get a call from Mandas surgeon and they are taking her in for exploratory surgery on April 19th. This month is just packed solid with appointments or preplanned events.

This Saturday we are out 4x4ing with a bunch of geocachers, celebrating one of their birthdays. On April 16th we are going mudding at Stave Lake for my oldest stepdaughters birthday. April 23rd we are heading out on a 4x4 trail to help clean it up with fellow 4x4ers and geocachers. Then on April 28th it is Mandas birthday! This Saturday is the only day I am not taking my new truck. We need Samson (the big truck) to take us where we need to go on Saturday. Don’t worry I will take my camera and take loads of pictures. I probably wont post them until Sunday but that’s ok too!

Well, I am running on little sleep here and I really need to go and curl up in bed and hope I fall asleep and stay asleep until morning, I hate insomnia!

Do you have any exciting plans coming up? Did you get out and walk today, even in the rain if that is what your weather was dishing out?

©2011 7Ladybugs
March 30, 2011


  1. sounds like my doctor visits ... too many!

    still waiting for word on your hubby ... i love vit. b shots! i wish i could get them all the time :)

  2. Hey do the b12 shots give you energy? What are they for? Just curious.

  3. yea... hate those pregnancy vitamins... for you non-pregnant people they don't make you feel 10x more nauseous...

    BUT if it was that over leaving camping for a yummy 3 hour drive, I'd go with the pills. NOTHING is more amazing than camping... nothing.

  4. @Andrea - yes i love my vitB shot too LOL We find out this Thursday what is up with hubby so not much longer to wait!

    @Poke - I have them because i am anemic and have a few other problems. They do make it so that I am not so tired all the time and they dont bother my stomach like the pills do :)

    @iYam - I am not taking no preggo pills LOL I agree with you that nothing beats camping... except maybe a 4x4 trip on side trails on the way back from the doctors LOL
