Wednesday, March 2, 2011

For Me? Really!?!?

Today I had a wonderful surprise when I opened my blog… Marty had given me an award!!!
My very first award! Woohooo!

To claim this award, you are supposed to share 7 things about yourself and then pass it along to fellow bloggers of your choice...Be sure to copy the picture onto your blog as well...

So seven things about me:

1) I am a mom, wife, and Nana.
2) I was born and raised in England.
3) I have 28 tattoos.
4) I am an Author.
5) I am an Ambassador for Geocaching.
6) I love to go mudding and 4x4ing.
7) I love to have fun no matter what or where I am.


Seven things that my kids told me to put:

1) I am bitchy
2) I am a pain in the butt
3) I am funny
4) I am short (I am NOT SHORT! I am under tall!)
5) I am a good cook
6) I have crappy aim when shooting paintball (I hit the kids so I don’t consider it crappy)
7) I am a good problem solver!

Now I get to choose some people to pass this on to :)

I choose to pass this award on to:

2 Chicks on Weight Watchers

Absolutely Narcissism

C.A.T Stuff

Stories Inc.

Losing It

There are others that already have the award but I would like to give it to them again because they are awesome, and they are:

Borderline Girl

Andreas Healing Journey

Davids Blog

Thank you Marty for giving me my first award. I will place it on its own page as soon as I figure out how to do that LOL

Keep an eye out in the near future for a new award from me :)


  1. awwwww Thank you bugzybabe! Your seven things made me laugh out loud. 1. You? A Nana? Too young!
    2. 28? sweet!
    3. Under tall? I'm stealing that!

    Well done, you definitely earned your award!

  2. OMG. Thank you so much. I'll let you in on a little secret since you were nice enough to give my my first and only award.

    I actually made a awards page/tab in draft since I was deciding the other day what my 10 pages I am allowed would be. LOL.

    I never really expected to actually be able to use it. This is so awesome. I l-o-v-e you. Now to figure out how to copy it.

  3. Thanks Darling for the award! You are awesome!
    I love that you had a "7 Things My Kids Told me to Put!" I may just have to "borrow" that one day!
    You are so sweet, thank you for the honour!

  4. :) thank you very much :)

    you're so very sweet ... i laughed at your kids idea of what you should put ... typical lol!

  5. You don't sound bitchy...

    Thanks for the award, Ladybugz!

  6. Thank you lady Bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
