Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday June 7th, 2011

Well, isn't this week just flying by? I was walking around today thinking it was Monday lol I am pretty sure I was robbed of some hours in my day but no one believes me so what am I to do?


Anyway, how has your day been? Did you get any exercise today? I did a lot of walking today at two different venues. I was the photographer for the Senior and Teens luncheon, which I ducked out of after about 45 minutes because I got all the pictures that I needed and I was pressed for time.


The second venue was, and is, one of my favorite places; it was the local Chocolate Factory that I had to drop off a Thank you card for the door prize donation they gave us for my past event. Every time I was in there it smells so good! They have a chocolate fountain right by the window and lately it has been turned off when I have gone in there and I tease the owner and tell him I promise not to drool in the chocolate if he turns it back on! LOL


After dropping off the thank you card at the chocolate place we walked three blocks and dropped off another thank you card to the little store on the corner that sells nuts and fruits and hand carved wooden figurines. They donated a nice 'Princess of the Woods' carving to my last event and I wanted to tell them how much I appreciated it and that the winner was over joyed with it.


Other than that, I have been baking some 'Wartime Vegetable Turnovers'. They are cheap and so easy to make and you can add anything to them. The recipe only calls for onions, potatoes and carrots, but I add in celery and whatever meat I have to hand. Tonight I used a can of crushed tomatoes, a can of sloppy-joe mix, carrots, onions, celery and some ground beef and the kids call them Pizza Pockets. OMG they are so good and the kids love them. They are the best for filling up hungry teens on a limited budget!


I can't have that stuff so I use the veggies and then add a can of chicken or fresh chicken and then cook them as usual. Tomorrow I am going to be making some apple-cinnamon ones and I will have to let you know how they turn out.


The veggies I picked up today for dirt cheap at the local produce store because they were not the prettiest looking veggies and the apples were 99 cents because one had a brown spot on it, so I got a 5lb bag of apples for 99 cents… not bad eh!


In total I paid under $5 for everything to make 23 turnovers! Not bad eh!?


Well, that's it for now. I have to go and clean up the mess I made in the kitchen because no one else will do it for me lol


Have a great day tomorrow and don't forget to get your walking in!


©2011 7Ladybugs

1 comment:

  1. I always had the hardest time getting people to donate for events I used to do you must be special lol. I did walk my butt off today too even on top of not feeling good and it was a hot mother outside. Glad to see your back!
