Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 5th ,2011

Yesterday we went to a Clean Up event at Stave Lake, about 2 hours or so from where I live. I thought I would have been getting a late start because some people (don’t look at me like that! LOL) don’t like to get out of bed so early in the morning.

I actually woke up and got dressed and was ready to leave the house before 7am, and then my IBD started to act up which made me late leaving the house because I had to wait until the meds had kicked in to leave, should have known it was too good to be true!

Anyway, even though I was only 15 minutes behind schedule I managed to make up some time from the lack of traffic on the road, which was a good thing because we also made a stop to get some gas for my truck and then a Tim Horton’s stop for my son to get a coffee and donuts!!

Because I made those two stops it now put me back 5 minutes and when I got to our friends house, where hubby spent the night instead of coming home and then going back there, the guys and the trucks were all ready to go… that is a FIRST! The guys are always fiddling with their trucks for those ‘last minute adjustments’ which means take the whole engine apart lol

The day was perfect to be out in the great outdoors because it was nice and sunny and the air was a bit crisp at that time of the morning but it was still a great day. The following are some pictures from the event.

This was the first pile of crap we picked up. It took 4 tractor buck loads to clean up the bags of drywall we found!

This is Manda being goofy at the side of the road after cleaning up the drywall!

One of the volunteers found someone’s guilty pleasures out in the woods!

We will not find out the total amount of the garbage and metal that we picked up as it still has to be tallied and recorded, but as soon as I find out I will be sure and let you know.

After everyone came back to the staging area they were handing out hot dogs, chips, juice/pop/water and a bunch of other food items, and you can be sure that we were very appreciative of the food! You don’t realize how hungry you are when you are working picking up garbage but when you smell the BBQ going when you pull into the staging area your stomach starts to grumble and you cant do anything until you have eaten.

After everyone had eaten they were giving out door prizes. I won a hat, a gift card to a Lordco, a flashlight and a tire pressure gauge, all in a package. Jason won some jumper cables which he is giving to me because apparently the last time I lent him them they broke, but he forgot to mention that to me LOL Manda won a pair of long work socks, a hat and a cd’s holder (which she wanted). Justin won a huge tin that was donated by Purina for Gizmo. It had dog toys and food in it and the can is big and decorated with different kinds of dogs. Our friend Dave won a cammo hat, a t-shirt and some really good Geocaching gloves (which he gave to me). Our other friend George, won a great big canvas bag and in it was a bunch of items from the Health Food Store like a bag of Nachos, a jar of Salsa, some vitamins (2 bottles of different ones), a box of tea, some cookies and a really nice book with some recipes in it and telling you about the different foods and how they help your body. All in all it was a great day and a great clean up!

Now normally we would say our good byes and go home and relax for the rest of the day, or what was left of it or just hang out at Dave’s place for a while…. We didn’t do either! We went back up to the mud flats and spent the rest of the day playing in the mud with the trucks!! Below are some of the pictures from after the clean up event when we were back at the mud flats! Don’t worry there will be a YouTube video coming in the next few days of all the pictures.

Some idiot thought he could get his truck between some trees…
it didn’t work out well for him LOL

This is my truck next to our friend Dave’s truck… which one is mine LOL

This is Manda after going for a ride in the
back of Dave’s truck through the mud puddles!

And this is me after spending an entire day in the sun!

There is more to the story of how I got so sun burnt but I will have to share that with you maybe tomorrow because I am running out of time to get everything done that I am supposed to!

How was your weekend? Tell me what you did this weekend!

©2011 7Ladybugs
June 5, 2011

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