Monday, February 28, 2011

Something I thought was funny

Day three with no computer and I am still writing with pen and paper. I am hoping today or tomorrow at the latest for my computer.

How are you doing with your walking? Have you found anything new in your neighborhood since you have been walking? I noticed that a house down the street has lime green walls in their front room and in the entrance hallway they have bright red walls. Either someone is color blind or there was a sale on cheap paint and they bought what they could afford.

It really is a nice house but the colors they chose are so wrong! I would have gone with a red but not a bright red for the front room or at least one wall and then an off white for the other walls.

Anyway, less of that I have something funny to share with you.

I went to see my friend at the gas station today on my way to take my middle daughter to a specialist’s appointment. My friend and I were doing the general chit chat as she filled up the vehicle and I mentioned where we were going.
She said “oh I have to go and see one of them soon.”

“Oh I hope it’s nothing serious” I replied

“No I have had two tucks in my vagina before because I walk on the cement all day every day, my insides were falling out! So now I get to go and have it again but I this time I don’t pay because it is free!”

“That is not good advertising! ‘Come have a vagina tuck and if it doesn’t work you get the third one free!’ LOL Did you ever think that maybe it isn’t because you walk on the cement?”

“Well what the hell would cause it to keep coming down then?”

I count not resist and said, “Maybe hubby is too BIG!”

“Shut up woman LOL” was all she could say because another car pulled up to get gas and she had to go.

Seriously though, if I was having surgery for anything and there is a ‘first two times and it doesn’t work, the third time is on us’ I would not be going through with the surgery or at least not with that surgeon.

I mean if you have to have a finger sewn back on I don’t think I would want it falling off in the middle of typing my blog or waving at someone.

I just don’t understand how doctors can let something like that happen.

Oh well, I thought it was funny! Now before anyone goes off on me about how insensitive I am being, keep in mind that I am the most caring person in the world and my friend and I have a warped friendship.

I have had my share of medical problems that range from mild to very serious so I know when I say things it is with a grain of salt!

So, no hate mail! Just enjoy the humor as it is meant to be… humorous!
Going out for my walk now and you should be too!
©2011 7Ladybugs

February 28, 2011

1 comment:

  1. lol wooow yea thats a serious issue I would be going to a different doctor if I were here
