Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Gravestone Wording

Here lie the remains of the original Bitch!

Her after life will consist of hanging out with the
cast and crew of Ghost Adventures and messing with their equipment and making them laugh!

“I might have pissed you off at some time in my life but please do not piss on me now as you will regret it.” – S. R *NOTE* She will reach up and rip your dick off! Keep that in mind if you have the urge to whip it out!

Do not leave flowers here that are not red, she will hurt you with them.


  1. i'd beg to differ ... you're not a bitch :)

    if you've pissed someone off, you're speaking for yourself :)

  2. I challenge your claim to the title of Original Bitch. That title has been in my family for many generations. lol
    I must follow you now, my fellow Canadian

  3. LOL borderline! I am Queen Bitch but i will accept Princess if you insist LOL
