Monday, April 4, 2011

Never Enought Time!

Today I was woken up early because I had to take Manda into the hospital for her pre-op blood work and check in. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it was at a close hospital but it was at a hospital that is nearly two hours away and the traffic sucks because they are always doing roadwork.

I figured if I was heading out that way anyway, I might as well come back through the next town over and drop off some door prize donation request letters at the same time.

We got to the hospital in plenty of time and had to pay $4.75 for parking for two hours. We went in and she was taken in pretty quickly to see the pre-op lady and we were out within an hour. Why they tell you to buy a two-hour pass is beyond me. Then I find out on the day of her surgery I have to pay $8.75 for a twelve-hour pass, I think they think I am made of bloody money!

Driving from the hospital I noticed that they have changed the road pattern. If you want some fun, put a round a bout in the middle of a busy road and watch the confusion on peoples faces. For extra fun add two lanes of traffic going around the said round a bout and then all hell breaks loose LOL

This particular part of town they haven’t just added one round a bout with one lane of traffic, they have added two round a bouts with two lanes of traffic on both! The number of cars I watched driving around and around and around because they got into the center lane and didn’t know how to get out of there LOL I am a bulldozer when it comes to round a bouts; its my turn and I am going, deal with it!

Anyway, we made it to the town where I wanted to drop off the letters and after dropping off the first letter I realize I have to pick up a few things from the grocery store. So, I do a quick grocery shop, sixty dollars later, and then I realize that it is nearly time for my youngest to be home from school and she doesn’t have a key and my son isn’t coming home after school as he is catering.

Yea you know I was speeding on the way home and made it into the front door with the groceries just as she walked in with her friend. Talk about cutting it close eh!

So, now I have to go back out there tomorrow and hand out some letters and go to the disability office to hand in some stupid receipt that they sent me instead of keeping it!

I am not going for my walk today because I have already walked 5.1 miles and I am plain pooped out!

How was your day? Oh please tell me it was more exciting than mine! LOL

©2011 7Ladybugs

April 4th ,2011

1 comment:

  1. o sweety ... just being at a hospital is stressful enough without the paying of a ticket to be there!!! but you don't want to know what 2 hours would cost in the heart of van ... trust me!
